Deceased Sister: Sr. Julienne Santos
Deceased Sister: Sr. Paula Mary Hills
Prayer Intentions of the Pope
Needs of the Church, the Congregation and the world
Prayer Intentions of the Pope
Deceased Sister: Sister Marie Jeanne Coadou
Deceased Sister: Sr. M. Lena Temponi (Caterina Temponi)
We are an international congregation coming from many countries of the world to participate in evangelization by “missionary presence, by living and proclaiming the Gospel, by apostolic service” (SMSM Constitutions 14). Gathered together from different backgrounds and nationalities, we respond to the call to universal mission in 24 countries. “In respect and dialogue, we try to be bonds of communion between peoples, races and cultures, and witnesses to universal love” (ibid. 22).
In the course of our history, our congregation has been known by several different names – at the beginning - Sisters of Charity of the Third Order of Mary, and later Sisters of the Third Order Regular of Mary. Since our official approbation as a congregation of pontifical right in 1931 our official name is Missionary Sisters of the Society of Mary. Today in some countries we are known simply as the “SMSM” sisters, or as the “Missionary Sisters of the Society of Mary”.
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