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S. Marie Veronique Briand

List of Deceased Sisters

Date of Death 20/04/2018

SMSM Sisters    


        Born:               17th December 1922

        Professed:     9th March 1950

        Died:               20th April 2018

Sr M. Véronique (Georgette) BRIAND was born on 17th December 1922 in Loire Atlantique, France. In 1947, she entered the SMSM novitiate and on 9th March 1950 she made her first religious vows at Estrablin, France. In 1951, she arrived in New Hebrides and pronounced her perpetual vows on 9th March 1956 at the hospital on Santo which at that time was at St. Michel.

Since her arrival in the country, she has worked in most of the missions within the archipelago. When she first arrived in 1951, Sister was in Port Vila. Then in 1953, she went to Port-Orly, Santo and from there to the hospital at St. Michel, Santo. Several years later, Sister went to Lamap, again to Port Vila to the old French hospital, and once again to the new hospital that had been constructed on Santo.

In 1967, Sister Veronique went back to France for the first time for a time of renewal. On her return, she left again for Santo, and from there Sister went to the dispensary in Melsisi, followed by Lamap and then Montmartre. From there in 1976, Sr. Veronique went to France on holiday.

From 1978 until 1982, Sr M. Veronique served in Sesivi on Ambrym. Then in 1982, Sister went back to France to give service in the house for our aged Sisters at Ste.-Foy-les-Lyon until 1985. On her return to Vanuatu, Sister went first to Lamap, then later for several years to Baie-Barier but returned once more to Lamap, this time not to care for the sick but to give service in the community.

After her last holiday in France in 1992, Sr M. Veronique gave service in New Caledonia until returning to Paray, Vanuatu in 1994.  In 1997, Sr. M. Veronique was missioned to Tanna and became very familiar with the difficult road leading to Imaki. There Sister worked in the community and the garden.

In 2005, Sister asked to remain in Port Vila and became a member of the Notre Dame Paray community. Sister was always active in the garden and in the community until her diminished strength and increasing deafness led to a well merited time of rest.

A fortnight or so before her death, Sr. M. Veronique fell and broke her arm. Ten days later, forgetting she was handicapped by her broken arm, she fell again and this time broke her femur. Courageously, she did not complain, but even found a smile. However, little by little Sister slipped into a coma and died in the evening of 20th April 2018.

Sr M. Veronique was self-effacing, discrete, always helpful with her jerky laugh. She never looked for recognition and never complained. She had been at the service of the sick, moving all around the corridors and the patients’ rooms. Later her service was for the Sisters of the community where she lived. Truly, Sr. M. Veronique lived with simplicity and Marist humility.

"Sr M. Veronique, now that you have entered into eternity, pray for us, for your human family, for the Congregation and for the Marist family. Ask Mary to send young women to replace you. Pray also for the country of Vanuatu whom you have loved and served. Thank you, Sr M. Veronique, for all that was your life.”

Sr Madeleine Fassion