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Marie Luce PEAN

List of Deceased Sisters

Date of Death 25/05/2008

Sister Marie Luce PEAN (Leonie Marie PEAN) was born in France on 13 December 1914.
She made profession on 9 March 1940 at Pomeys, Beaulieu, France, but had to remain in France until shipping services to the Pacific resumed after the war.

Finally on 30 November 1949, she was able to leave Marseille for New Caledonia. There she worked as a nurse at the clinique Magnin and then in the dispensaries of: Ile des Pins – Bondé – Touaourou – Saint Louis – Thio – Pouébo – Ouvéa.

Sister Marie Luce returned to France in 1993 and lived at La Fare-les-Oliviers and finally at Ste Foy where she died on 25 May 2008.