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News inserted on 19/09/2009

55 years in the Solomon Islands

SMSM SistersAfter 55 years working in the Solomon Islands, Sister Therese Chaloux has returned to her home country of the United States of America.

Over the 55 years, Sr Therese has seen the Solomon Islands grow from a British Protectorate to an independent country. Sister worked as a teacher and in the early days, in the dispensary in several Provinces of the country,
Guadalcanal, Malaita and Makira. Every place Sr Therese went, she learnt the language of the people and she entered into the life of the village.

At the Mass to farewell Sr Therese, the Intercessions were each made in a different language and perhaps Sr Therese was the only person present to understand each intercession. One of Sister's joys was to see those she has taught now in employment - because she knew they were doing something worthwhile with their education.

On her return to her country, Sr Therese hopes to become involved in some pastoral work. In saying goodbye, Sr Therese said to the people of the Solomon Islands "I thank you for the things you have given me, your generous hearts, which is more than I could give you."

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