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News inserted on 09/07/2014

40 years in Bangladesh

SMSM SistersAt the end of March the Sisters in Bangladesh celebrated 40 years of our presence there. The actual celebration was the Eucharist in the Adoration Chapel of Tejgaon Parish, Dhaka. This church is the original church and the one where our early Sisters worshipped and where Sister Elizabeth O’Brien is buried.

The sisters wrote about how the readings (Jeremiah 18: 1-4, Philippians 4: 4-7 and John 2: 1-10) helped them to see how our God has moulded and re-moulded them, as a potter does the clay. The words, Joy, Peace and Gratitude, from the second reading expressed the feeling of the day. SMSM SistersThe desire to respond to Mary’s advice “Do whatever He tells you” is a sure guide to them as they continue to be present to the people among whom they live. Posters briefly showed each decade of life and the sisters were able to celebrate with those representing the different aspects of our presence in Bangladesh.

SMSM SistersWe give thanks for the SMSM Sisters who have been part of these past 40 years. Altogether 32 Sisters have been part of our SMSM community. Some came for many years and others were asked to come for shorter periods. We give thanks for each one.

We have also been blessed over these 40 years by people who have supported us in many ways both in Tuital and in Dhaka. May God reward all those who do us good and who have shared our lives in different ways.

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