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News inserted on 22/11/2011

Some of the activities of the Sisters in Jamaica

SMSM SistersOld Downtown Kingston
Sr Telesia Kauhalanuia is with both the young and elderly in two parishes in Jamaica. As parish nurse she visits the ‘shut-ins’ and offers a clinic one day a week In two parish areas where the people can come for basic health checks and a ‘chat’. She also ‘changes her hat’ and loves being with the children giving religious education at the Holy Name of Jesus Parish.

SMSM Sisters
Catechists Training Assistance:
After eight years in the Montego Bay Diocese Sr M. Ruth Danielski is now in Kingston and with eight churches in the deanery she finds her ministry with the catechists very rewarding. From the deanery office she is busy, among other things, with the Catechetical Training Institute of Jamaica and meets the various needs with workshops, materials etc.

SMSM SistersTo make known…
Sr Rabunna Bwakineti recently arrived in Jamaica from her home nation of Kiribati. She said she felt she was ‘following a star’. This star beckons her to reveal Christ to those who turn up at Church gatherings ‘to observe ‘or ‘out of curiosity’ and in the small Catholic population there is the call to deepen the faith. She writes “My presence at the Mt Alvernia Catholic High School is to give support to the Principal and the Catholic students who are truly in the minority.”

SMSM SistersCamps
In summer Sr Esther N’Sanda organized youth and children camps. Of the youth camp, she writes; “we had 50 young people (13 - 21years old). For them it was a discovery time - discovering God and His Church in their lives as well as a time to develop social skills. We all had a lot of fun”.

New Eyes:
Sr Teresia Tinanisolo returned to Jamaica after 9 years. Before arriving she prayed she would return with ‘new eyes’ and to be open to receive as well as give. Her prayer has been answered. She travelled from her home nation, Fiji, and when she set foot again in Jamaica she sensed she was ‘coming home”. The economic downturn means it is harder to find Hotels where the students can have work experience as part of their Skills Training Course. There are students enrolled in Housekeeping, Sewing, Table Attendants and Computer.

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