Deceased Sister: Sr. Julienne Santos
Deceased Sister: Sr. Paula Mary Hills
Prayer Intentions of the Pope
Needs of the Church, the Congregation and the world
Prayer Intentions of the Pope
Deceased Sister: Sister Marie Jeanne Coadou
Deceased Sister: Sr. M. Lena Temponi (Caterina Temponi)
Sister Maria Agostina (Paolina DANDER) was born at Ghedi (Italy) 19 September 1925 in a family of three children, one of whom was Sister Maria Rénata smsm who died 4 years ago.
Sister Maria Agostina made her first profession on 9 March 1950 at Estrablin in France and her perpetual vows in 1956 at Walarano on the island of Mallicolo, Vanuatu.
As an intrepid and courageous missionary, Sister Maria Agostina took many initiatives. She was a devoted nurse but was also involved in many other activities such as visiting the sick, cooking, gardening, sewing, teaching catechism to the women and young girls. Her concern was always to give formation to the local people. She worked in many mission stations throughout Vanuatu.
In 2001 she settled in the new house for retired sisters at Paray, Port Vila, but she continued her activities as far as she was able, especially her ministry of prayer.
On 9 January 2008, Sister Maria Agostina died at Notre-Dame, Paray, (Vanuatu) after 57 years of missionary presence in Vanuatu.
Her cousin Luigi, Marist priest in Tanna, was able to arrive in time to concelebrate her funeral Mass at Montmartre.