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Sr. Janet Veno (Sr. Mary Elaine)

List of Deceased Sisters

Date of Death 13/08/2024

“A woman is the full circle, within her is the power to create, nurture and transform.” {Diane Mariechild, writer}  As we reflect on Janet’s life, we will discover how she went the full circle.

Janet was born in Woburn, Massachusetts, on January 29, 1938.  Her father was Anthony Veno and her mother was Alice Marie Powers.  She had two brothers and one sister, her brother Arthur and her sister Mary Varney are deceased, her brother David is here with us today.

Before entering the Missionary Sisters of the Society of Mary, Janet trained as a Dietitian, graduating from Regis College, Weston, Massachusetts.

Sister entered the Marist Missionary Sister in Bedford, Massachusetts, on September 8, 1960.  On March 24, 1964 sister was missioned to Peru, where she taught through 1988.  Sister Susan Scherkenbach who was with her in Chulucanas shared the following, “Janet really enjoyed her ministry in Chulucanas, Peru, and she worked with the Basic Christian Communities.  The diocese adopted the Plan NIP, New Image of the Parish.  For years, Janet worked in the Diocese in the framework of this exciting pastoral plan.  Janet valued her friendships with her copastoral workers and retained life-long contacts with them.  Peru-Chulucanas was often a point of reference for Janet’s memories.”   Deterioration of her eyesight caused her to return to Massachusetts, this was a heavy cross for her to bear, leaving her beloved Peru.

From 1988-1990, Janet was given time to participate in programs for transition and re-entry.

She went to the Hispanic Pastoral Ministry, at the Mexican American Cultural center in San Antonio, Texas.  On leaving this program, she became Pastoral Associate at St. Mary’s in Santa Rosa, Texas from 1990 -1992.  Sr. Noela Garcia was missioned with her during these two years and this is what she would like to share.  “Although her vision kept declining gradually through time, she faithfully kept doing ministry with the basic Christian communities which she initiated when we first arrived in the parish of Santa Rosa.  With her strong and deep Faith, I noticed Janet now seeing more with her heart being herself: kind, loving, gentle, patient and an excellent listener, giving her all.  Love and gratitude Janet for your beautiful example as a Missionary Sisters of the Society of Mary.”

In 1992, Janet returned to Massachusetts because of poor eyesight.  During this time, Janet was dealing with macular degeneration.  When she was told that no further medical or surgical procedures could help restore her vision loss, she said, “The good news is that I learned that I would not go totally blind.”  Nevertheless, the experience was frightening.  Janet was brave and determined that she would do all she could to help herself and was assisted in this help through the vision rehabilitation service, where she learned to use much of the technology offered to the blind today.  Her blindness was also part of her spirituality; she learned to become more present and compassionate to others.

Janet was a fighter and in 1997, she was missioned to Lawrence, Massachusetts to do Hispanic ministry.  In an interview, she shared, “We wanted to evangelize to those in great need.  This is a very wonderful experience of team ministry with the focus of how to animate people in their Christian vocation.”  Sister remained in Lawrence until 2001, when she returned to Waltham, Massachusetts.   Janet continued her mission in Waltham working with the Skills for Life program, the students loved her and her Spanish was a great help to the students.

In 2006, Janet applied to the Oblate school of Theology/Ministry to ministers Program.  In her application form, Sr. Judith Sheridan, Provincial at that time wrote, “Janet is a remarkable woman.  Her enthusiasm for life, genuine concern for others and optimism are among her great gifts.  I cannot forget her determination and resourcefulness with which she has met head on her loss of sight and physical afflictions to remain self-reliant.  As often happens, our gifts can also be obstacles.  One area of growth for Janet was to allow herself to accept her need for others and to have compassion on her own self.”  Janet was ecstatic about the program and the spirituality she received at this time was a comfort throughout the remaining of her life.  

In 2011 Janet made a thirty day retreat at the Jesuit retreat house in Gloucester, this was a turning point in her life which helped her to live with the blindness which was becoming more serious.  In 2015 sister asked to move to Marillac Residence, thus, a new chapter and journey in her life.

Janet enjoyed her time at Marillac Residence, especially her 1st floor community of sisters; she was much loved by all.  Janet was very much a part of the activities, such as strength, flex, and even performed in the dancing show that was held in our dining room.  We were amazed how she let the dance director sweep her along the dance floor.  She always took the time to listen to people and was never in a hurry or made them feel like she was not interested.  I would like to share with you some of the comments made by the sisters of her community.  “Janet was a kind and caring person for whom I was so happy to share time with.”  “A gentle, caring loving woman who is already greatly missed.”  “Janet was one of a kind and always had a smile.”  “Janet was a prayerful person, very attentive to all and always present to others, she never tried to get away from duties and was always pleasant.”  We thank the personnel at Marillac Residence and especially the community of sisters for all the love and care for Sister Janet during her nine years at Marillac Residence.

Now, the circle is complete and Janet is gazing on the beauty of the Trinity with brand new eyes.  Let me close with No. 18 of our constitutions:  “Attentive to the calls of the Church and the world, we try to respond creatively in any form of apostolic service, according to the missionary charism of the congregation, concerned only that the Gospel be proclaimed.”  Thank you Janet for all you have been to each of us.

Gratefully in Mary, 


Sister Helen Muller, smsm                                                      Sister Claire Rheaume, smsm                              

Regional Leader