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News inserted on 09/12/2011

From Senegal

SMSM Sisters

Christian-Muslim dialogue

Sr Suporna Rozario teaches at the Institute of Marc Perrot Hann in Senegal and she writes enthusiastically about the inter-religious dialogue among the students. This year they invited Fr Jacques Seck (Christian Faith) and Fr Xavier Bechtoille (Islamo-Christian Dialogue) to speak.
On days specially set outside to raise awareness of the need for this serious dialogue. Suporna writes: “My wish is that peaceful and harmonious relationships, so much needed in our world today, will continue.”

SMSM Sisters

Justice and Peace Week
Earlier this year for the first time in the Archdiocese of Dakar, Senegal a week was set aside to examine Justice and Peace. The theme was: ’I do my duty, I enjoy my rights, I develop my country’. Sr Jeline Giris speaks with much enthusiasm of this week in her parish of Pikine where people were really involved. They were challenged to look at what was happening in their parish.

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