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Prayer intentions - 08/2024

Prayer Intentions of the Pope

Each month the Pope invites all members of the Church to pray for particular needs. This month the Prayer Intentions of the Pope are:

For Political Leaders 

That political leaders may serve their people, work forcomprehensive human development and the common good, attending to those who have lost their jobs and prioritizing the poorest.


Needs of the Church, the Congregation and the world

Join with us in praying for the needs of the Church, the Congregation and the world, in particular for:


  • For those in formation and their formators.
  • A resolution to the conflict in New Caledonia and for all who have suffered since the eruption of violence.
  • Our sick, frail and elderly sisters and those who care for them.
  • Our generous benefactors who help us by their prayers and sacrifices, and the funding agencies who respond to our requests.
  • Our sisters, our loved ones and our benefactors who have died recently.   
  • Those in leadership roles throughout the congregation.



August 1   St Julien Eymard (died in 1868)

August 4   St John Marie Vianney TOM (died 1859)

August 9   Anniversary of the death of Sr Marie de la Croix (Phelinda Pélagie Augusta Phelippon – Bélep, New Cal 1908

August 9/10 Anniversary of the death of Sr Marie du Mont Carmel (Marie Françoise Perroton, Kolopelu, Futuna 1873)

August 15   Feast day of the Assumption (C. 140)

                 (We prepare by community prayer…On the feast of the

                  Assumption or during that week, we spend an hour

                  before the Blessed Sacrament in union with Mary, asking

                  her to thank Jesus for the gift of our vocation and for all

                  the graces received during the year.)

                 Patronal Feast of the Marist Brothers.